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earning from knowledge is our goal

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180 $

MCNP Monte Carlo tutorial from zero to hero

Introduction to MCNP Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport (MCNP) is a general-purpose, continuous-energy, generalized-geometry, time-dependent, Monte Carlo radiation transport code designed to track many particle types over broad ranges of energies and is developed by Los
  • student: 92
  • sessions: 1
  • visit: 13039
180 $

geant4 video zero to hero

geant4 video sero to hero Table of Contents content 1) installing Geant4 2) linux basic command,  3) geant4 general command 4) geaomerty 5) source 6) tracking 7)physicslist 8)ourput 1 9) scoring 10)root content 1) installing
  • student: 17
  • sessions: 1
  • visit: 7479
90 $

talys nuclear model code system film download

1.  NAME AND TITLE  TALYS 1.2 the  Nuclear Model Code System was developed for analysis and prediction of nuclear reactions and generation of nuclear data. Table of Contents 1.  NAME AND TITLE 2.  CONTRIBUTORS 3. 
  • student: 4
  • sessions: 0
  • visit: 2535
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ما از سال 1390 کسب و کار خود را شروع کرده ایم. ماندگاری در بیش از یک دهه نشان از تلاش و عزم جدی ما دارد


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کارگاه آموزشی MCNP

  • 8:00 صبح - 10:00 شب
  • ایران ، استان تهران


اخبار وبلاگ

آخرین اخبار وبلاگ

Monte Carlo Nuclear Code Training

Nuclear codes are codes that study the parameters around nuclear knowledge. Nuclear code training is comprehensive in this article.

The frapcon core code

Nuclear Code Fork is a computer code for calculating the stable, thermo-mechanical behavior of oxide fuel rods in long-term fuel. Reliable prediction of the behavior of nuclear fuel rods of nuclear power reactors, the basic

2D and 3D Random walk simulation in MATLAB

 Random Walk A study is the study of a path created by random and sequential games using mathematical tools. In this source code written in the article, random walk motion is simulated in 2D and