Download MCNP6.2 software, the latest and most complete version of MCNP software

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Download MCNP6.2 software, the latest and most complete version of MCNP software

Download MCNP6.2 software, the latest and most complete version of MCNP software

Monte Carlo N-Particle or MCNP®1 is a general-purpose Monte Carlo radiative transfer code designed to track many types of particles over a wide range of energies. This version 6.2 of MCNP follows the beta version [1] of MCNP6.1.1 and is released to provide the latest feature enhancements and bug fixes for the radiative transfer community. Since the last release of MCNP, major work has been done to improve the code base, add features, and provide tools to make MCNP version 6.2 easier to use as well as analyze the results. These release notes serve as a general guide to new/improved physics, source, data, lists, unstructured mesh, code improvements, and tools. For more detailed information on any of the topics, please refer to the appropriate resources or user manuals contained therein. This release of MCNP version 6.2 includes 39 new features plus 172 bug fixes and code improvements. There are still about 33 known issues that the user should