dowload MCNP program for simulation Brag peack in protontherapy

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dowload MCNP program for simulation Brag peack in protontherapy

The source code is written in MCNP language to calculate the Bragg peak due to the proton beam incident target.

Using this source, with MCNP, you can calculate the Bragg peak caused by the proton beam at different energies ( energies between 5 to 250 megaelectron volts). The most important points used in this source are:

1) Drawing the output of the program based on different cells

2) Changing the default energy range of calculations

3) How to use the physics card

4) How to calculate peak-Brock chart

5) Calculation of depth and transverse dose profile diagram


Pictures of the output of the program

 Bragg peak obtained from protons with an energy of 250 megaelectron volts

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